We also learned how to calculate decimal division problems.
If there is only a decimal in the dividend, move the decimal straight up and do long division as usual.
If there is a decimal in the divisor you have to move the decimal to make a whole number. Whatever you do to the divisor you have to also do to the dividend so that the division equation remains proportionally the same.
Students practiced doing different examples of decimal division. Extra practice is available (Decimal Division.pdf)
Together, we read about how changes occur in ecosystems (pages 55 to 57, and page 60 in our textbooks). We reviewed how ecosystems are altered by such concepts such as bio-invasion, competition, and predation and discussed human impact on ecosystems. We also watched a video about the World Health Organization's impact in Borneo (intended and unintended consequences) when attempting to cure Malaria.We are finishing this week by completing work on the Ecological Footprint and Ecosystem Research Project. Students will get extra time with computers tomorrow to complete their research and build visual presentations.
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