- Thursday, October 25th, is Curriculum Sharing Night. Students will have the opportunity to show parents and guardians what they have been learning.
- Thursday is a half day with early dismissal at 11:16am.
- Friday is a PD Day (No School)
- Students who have not finished Science assignments or would like extra Math practice should attend Mustang Drop-In Zone 2:30-4 in the Learning Commons or make an appointment to see Ms. Bowen for extra help.
- Still seeking 2L pop bottles for Monday's ecosystem project!!!
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals Quiz Thursday - Students have been practicing each day this week. They are encouraged to seek Ms. Bowen for extra help or take practice worksheets home.
Students worked on decimal word problem stations today. They will continue to do this for another class or two before the assessment is complete. Students are allowed to work with their table groups to better understand what the problems are asking, determine the appropriate equation(s) and solve the problems.
Ecosystems Research Project Presentations are tomorrow. Students will have 30 final minutes tomorrow morning to do last minute fix ups to their projects and practice. They have been put in groups of three projects and will have a chance to self- and peer-assess using the rubric below. Students are encouraged to write one positive comment and one area of improvement comment for each project. Guidelines for respectfully observing other students' work will be discussed before we begin.
Presenter(s):__________________________________________ Evaluator: _________________________________
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All information assessed is specific to the chosen ecosystem | Always (4) | Mostly (3) | Sometimes (2) | Not Yet (1) |
Where in the World? | It is very clear where this ecosystem exists and one or more map(s) is included that clearly shows the location | It is clear where this ecosystem exists and one map is included that clearly shows the location | It is somewhat clear where this ecosystem exists and a map is included that minimally shows the location | It is unclear where this ecosystem exists and there is no map included |
Plant / Animal Species | More than 4 plant /animal species are illustrated and labeled | 2-3 plant/animal species are illustrated and labeled | 1 plant/animal species is illustrated and labeled | Plant/animal species are illustrated but not labeled, or forgotten all together |
Abiotic Factors | More than 2 abiotic factors are illustrated and labeled | 2 abiotic factors are illustrated and labeled | 1 abiotic factor is illustrated and labeled | Abiotic factors not labelled or forgotten all together |
Food Web | A complex food web (at least 2 food chains) is included with labels to distinguish producers, consumers and decomposers | A good food web (2 food chains) is included with labels to distinguish producers, consumers and decomposers | A simple food web is included but producers, consumers, and decomposers are not labelled | A food web is not included or a food web is mistaken for a food chain and is not labelled |
Overall score for above criteria (STEM 1) | Always (4) | Mostly (3) | Sometimes (2) | Not Yet (1) |
Symbiotic Relationships (STEM 2) | 3 or more examples of relationships (1 mutualism, 1 commensalism, 1 parasitism) are illustrated and thoroughly explained | 3 examples of relationships (1 mutualism, 1 commensalism, 1 parasitism) are illustrated and reasonably explained | 2-3 examples of a relationships are illustrated but minimally explained | Symbiotic relationships are not clear or forgotten |
Human Impact
(STEM 4) | An in depth explanation of human impact is discussed with relation to more than 1 environmental factor. | An explanation of human impact is clearly discussed with relation to 1 environmental factor. | Human impact is mentioned with little relation to environmental factors. | Human impact is mentioned without an explanation and with no relation to environmental factors. |
Visual Presentation / Communication (STEM 3) | Visual and written presentation (poster, diorama, powerpoint, etc.) is excellent | Visual and written presentation (poster, diorama, powerpoint, etc.) is good | Visual and written presentation (poster, diorama, powerpoint, etc.) is adequate | Minimal graphics and written communication is incomplete or difficult to understand |
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