Monday, January 13, 2020

January 13


  • Please bring a 1-2 inch binder to class as soon as possible
  • Report cards go home January 29th
  • Teacher Conferences January 31st (no school)


Monday students wrote a pretest for decimals and percent. This will inform our teaching this unit (percent and decimals). We will be working on converting decimals, percent, and fractions using our holiday questionnaire questions. We will also create a tool for remembering how to convert between decimals, fractions and percent.  


We continued to explore solutions to the world's ocean plastic problem. We watched another Boyan Slat video that further describes his solutions to ocean and river plastic pollution.

Students' tasks:
  • Create a what? (facts) /so what? (feelings/impact) /now what? (solutions) table with three points per column
  • Write a three paragraph mini essay. Include:
    • opening sentence
    • paragraph 1 - what? facts about the ocean plastic problem
    • paragraph 2 - so what? how does this impact you? what do you feel? why is this important?
    • paragraph 3 - now what? what are some solutions to this problem? Think about Boyan Slat and what his company is doing to try to solve this problem. What about the 7 ways to reduce plastic use
    • closing/concluding sentence
Plastic Writing Assignment is due Friday, January 17th
- please attach planning table when you hand this in

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