Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Plant Reproduction and Plotting Coordinates


Students reviewed plotting coordinates (x, y) and if they plotted accurately they discovered the image of a smiling sun.

We have also learned the Transformations of rigid 2D shapes including translation, reflection and rotation. Today we practiced these skills and tomorrow we will do a Transformation Challenge.

Students who have missed class are encouraged to watch Khan Academy Introduction to Transformations and to try a few practice problems to be sure they understand the three types of transformations.


This week students have been learning about seed plant reproduction by watching Bill Nye Flowers, having class discussions and taking notes during the plant reproduction presentation.

Tomorrow they will play Plickers and label a diagram of a seed and a flower as well as answering an application question about seed plant reproduction. We will then learn about vegetative reproduction and the role humans can play in plant reproduction.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Plant Assignment

Sustainability of Plants

We use plants as:
1.    Food
2.    Fibre – to make clothing, furniture, etc.   
3.    Medications

Now we need to look at the implications of the use of plants. Have you ever thought about…?
1.    Whether certain methods of growing plants are more environmentally friendly than others?
2.    The effects of herbicides and pesticides on the environment, consumers and agriculture?
3.    The benefits and detriments of selected breeding (ex. GMO’s)?
4.    How environmental management, such as monocultural land use, effects sustainability of agricultural and environmental resources?

It’s also possible that you’re confused and are not fully sure what each of these points is talking about – that’s okay! You’re going to learn something!  

In this project, you will choose one of Topics 1-4 listed above to research. You must present your information to the class in a gallery walk. You may choose to make a PowerPoint, poster, comic book, etc. On the day of presentations, we will place your projects around the room and the class will walk around reading each other’s projects, much like if you were in a museum or art gallery walking around viewing the masterpieces! 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Area of a Circle and Golf Ball Bridge Design


  • This week in Science: Plants for Food and Fibre
  • This week in Math: Transformations
  • Field Trip to Drumheller will be June 24th - Paperwork will be sent home later this week


We finished the Circles and Area Unit with a hands-on activity that helped students better understand the Area of a Circle equation.

We divided the circle into eighths and then divided one sector into sixteenths.

We then assembled the sectors into a rectangle.

The width or base of the rectangle is the same as the radius (r) of the original circle. The length or height is equal to 1/2 of the circumference (C).

Area of a rectangle is length x width. If we substitute in r and 1/2C ... A = 1/2C x r

For most students this was far enough to take the activity, but a few wanted to understand how the area of a circle equation was related to the area of the rectangle.

We reviewed the two circumference equations: C = Pi x diameter AND C = 2 x Pi x radius

We then substituted the C = 2 x Pi x r equation into the area of a rectangle equation replacing C with 2 x Pi x r

A = 1/2 (2 x Pi x r) r

After reducing we were left with:


We completed the Structures and Forces Unit with a Golf Ball Bridge Challenge. Students did a great job designing, building, testing, and reflecting on their projects. There were many unique and successful designs!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Forces Bridge Diagram and Circle Geometry


This past week students reviewed how to calculate Area of a Parallelogram and a Triangle.

They then measured five circular objects and divided the circumference (C) by the diameter (d) to discover Pi. 

This led them to understanding the equations for circumference:
1. C = Pi x d
2. C = 2 x Pi x r 

They learned about the parts of the circle, including that radius (r) is half of the diameter (d). 

They also watched a Math Antics video to learn a little more about what is pi? 

Students learned to calculate Area of a Circle 

This week students will learn to estimate the Area of a Circle with a fun, visual activity.


Forces Diagram of the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong
Tsing Ma Bridge, Hong Kong
Students' online research skills have been improving with the practice scavenger hunt and Cool Bridges Project. They had the opportunity to apply their understanding of internal forces to their bridge diagrams.

Students also had success designing the Have-a-Cuppa building challenge. This project encouraged them to think about their joints (how they connected materials together).

There was an equation for success:

Height (cm) x number of beans

The goal is to get higher numbers

Students designed some excellent projects and had a lot of fun!

This week students will have one last design project:
The Golf Ball Bridge

Monday they will be given time to design, build, and test their projects.

Should be a fun way to end the Structures and Forces Unit!!